My photo
I am a girl/woman/human who has random thoughts. Sometimes you can find me here rambling, other times i might have useful stuff to say. For the most part, my friends and family can see what I might be up to in the days events. Or, for sake of sakes, its all made up... only i know.. and MAYBE a select few of you! Either way~ I am an American living in Australia. Oh, and any photo you see on this blog IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. If I have taken the photo myself or have permission to use it, YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR YOURSELF. So be warned... and just dont use my damn photos.

National Geographic Photo of the Day

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Okay, Im 35 now. And so far things have gone pretty damn good.  And while walking thru the carpark to insanely dirty car, I realized these reasons must be why:

Since the monday of my birthday week and up to today, I have:

  • ticked the birth control for another 3 months of safety.. I mean as if NOT getting laid wasn’t safety enough, my mother told me you can NEVER be too safe
  • visited the Italian Stallion, aka Physio Man for another session
  • tackled the Needle Nut, aka Acupuncture Guru for another session
  • endured a good belly laugh & back adjustment with the Chiro
  • did the yearly (ok, it was a bit longer than that) eye exam
  • purchased some green drink stuff'; Im not a veggie girl so I know Im not getting my greens
  • bought some Apple Juice to help the green drink stuff go down

The way I figure is this: the eyes, neck, back, knees & snatch are all taken care of. Seriously, can I get anymore well-adjusted going in to being 35! I must say, I am almost impressed with myself.


Anonymous said...

Quite impressive! Important to take care of yourself and you are definitely getting yourself ready for something BIG IN LIFE to happen! Keep being good to yourself and get yourself a massage to help your week go wonderful!

Arthur Luciani said...

The italian stallion better frequently and with attentiveness aka, and not flip out by physio man