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I am a girl/woman/human who has random thoughts. Sometimes you can find me here rambling, other times i might have useful stuff to say. For the most part, my friends and family can see what I might be up to in the days events. Or, for sake of sakes, its all made up... only i know.. and MAYBE a select few of you! Either way~ I am an American living in Australia. Oh, and any photo you see on this blog IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. If I have taken the photo myself or have permission to use it, YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR YOURSELF. So be warned... and just dont use my damn photos.

National Geographic Photo of the Day

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Sitting at home

Im sitting at home. The family has gone out to eat.. at one of my fav restaurants. Im home with a killer earache.. in both ears.. feels horrible and just didnt want to chance it by being outside.. its raining, windy, and cold....not exactly ideal weather for a girl who has a double ear issue. yuck

it was my choice to not go... but still, I somehow wish I could be there, eating fantastic prawns and a nice juicy steak. and the company of course.

Alas, I know that eating ANYTHING other than soup kills my eardrums, and everyone sounds to me like their screaming at me (i dont think they really are...never know tho) and so putting myself around 4 other people in a restaurant with other tables, well, lets just say its prob best I stayed home.

Probably. Except Im sick of soup and thats all i can eat, I want to socialize cuz I have been lying on the couch for the last few hours, Im bored, and goodness... I just want to dance...but I cant cuz my ears are pounding thru my head. ACK.

Pity me, just for today. But please, pity quietly... otherwise I may think your screaming at me too :)

1 comment:

Paige said...

I've had a couple earaches as an adult and all I can say is...I know why babies scream when they get them!