My photo
I am a girl/woman/human who has random thoughts. Sometimes you can find me here rambling, other times i might have useful stuff to say. For the most part, my friends and family can see what I might be up to in the days events. Or, for sake of sakes, its all made up... only i know.. and MAYBE a select few of you! Either way~ I am an American living in Australia. Oh, and any photo you see on this blog IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. If I have taken the photo myself or have permission to use it, YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR YOURSELF. So be warned... and just dont use my damn photos.

National Geographic Photo of the Day

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Feeling so at home

There is a huge part of me that always feels like I am returning home when I come to Bali. The happy faces of everyone, the contagious smiles of the Balinese, the excitement when I am around. It is such a feeling of contentment and peaceful being that surrounds me here in this environment.

My heart feels at home here, its a wonderful feeling to experience. I do not have that feeling at my home in the states... the serenity here fills your soul and encapsulates every cell of your body.

It is where I come to find myself again. Even in the busy noises of the children, motorbikes, store attendants, all the noises... you can so easily find the serenity you seek.

Good to be home. On the flip side, I return back to normal life soon... its always good to be back to normal, or as "normal" as normal can be. But, for now, I live in the moment and the environment that brings me such pleasure.

Cant wait to share the photos. I have been to Kintamani again, and since my first visit 10 years ago, there is some growth happening from the volcanic eruption that occured in 2000, which is good to see. I have seen Basakih Temple again, of course, as tradition would have it, a ceremony was taking place. Ceremonies everywhere actually, such a pride in everyone to have the ceremonies. Today, in UBUD (region) many homes have the holy man come to the house and bless the house and they place offerings in different spots in the home, and outside the home, on teh electricity box (in hopes of continued power) and have the water blessed... amazing to see.

Well, my internet time almost up so I must sign off for now... catch up soon. Hope your well and safe. I hear its STILL raining back home... but no fear, its sunny as where I am!


Fightin' Mad Mary said...

I really can't wait to see all the photos!!! If I am ever able to take a trip to Bali, you can bet I'm going to be hitting you up for advice.

Angel said...

I can't wait to see the photos either....and dream.