My photo
I am a girl/woman/human who has random thoughts. Sometimes you can find me here rambling, other times i might have useful stuff to say. For the most part, my friends and family can see what I might be up to in the days events. Or, for sake of sakes, its all made up... only i know.. and MAYBE a select few of you! Either way~ I am an American living in Australia. Oh, and any photo you see on this blog IS NOT FOR YOUR USE. If I have taken the photo myself or have permission to use it, YOU CAN NOT USE IT FOR YOURSELF. So be warned... and just dont use my damn photos.

National Geographic Photo of the Day

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Good Ol' Days

I stumbled upon photos today of my old stomping grounds. Have a look...

Gosh, there were many many laughs at The Keller Bar.. and lots of convincing to the bouncers to let my friends stay for "Just a bit longer" as well as The Keller Bar was always a good hiding space when you didnt want to be found.

Another bar at the same club...
This is just one of those cool little cozy spots...
Ah, many a games of pool have been played in the Games Room. Many a fights have been had in the Games Room as well.
Its always puts a smile on my face to see the old stomping grounds. Ah times were good.

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